> Chapter 6 contents

Figure 6-1–6-8. Stage map of medaka development.

Figure 6-1, stages 0–5; Figure 6-2, stages 6–11; Figure 6-3, stages 12–17; Figure 6-4, stages 18–23; Figure 6-5, stages 24–29; Figure 6-6, stages 30–35; Figure 6-7, stages 36–40; Figure 6-8, stages 40–43.

ab, swim (air) bladder; af, anal fin; ag, artery globe; an, anus; at, attaching filament; bc, body cavity (abdominal cavity); bd, blastodisc; bi, blood island; bl, beak-like cell mass (polster or pillow); bm, blastomere; br, branchiostegal ray; bv, blood vessel; ca, cortical alveolus; cd, Cuvierian duct; cf, caudal fin; ch, chorion (egg envelope); cn, cornea; cv, caudal vein; da, dorsal aorta; df, dorsal fin; dl, dorsal lip of blastopore (embryonic shield); ea, otic (ear) vesicle; em, embryonic body; ev, otic (ear) vesicle rudiment (otic placode); ey, optic (eye) vesicle; fb, forebrain (anterior brain vesicle or prosencephalon); fr, fin ray; g, gill; gb, gallbladder; gp, guanophore; gt, gut tube; h, heart rudiment; ha, atrium of heart; hb, hindbrain (posterior brain vesicle or rhombencephalon); hg, hatching grand cell; hv, ventricle of heart; kv, Kupffer’s vesicle; l, lens; lj, lower jaw; lv, liver; mb, midbrain (intermediate brain vesicle); mc, marginal cell; mf, membranous fin (fin fold); ml, membrane labyrinth; mp, micropyle; mv, median yolk vein; n, naris; no, notochord; od, oil droplet; o, operculum; op, olfactory pit; ot, otolith; pa, protoplasmic accumulation; pb, protobrain; pf, pectoral fin; pi, pineal gland; pn, nucleus of periblast; pr, pronephros; ps, perivitelline space; s, scale; sc, spinal cord, sm, somite; sp, spleen; uj, upper jaw; uo, urogenital orifice; v, nonattaching filament; vf, ventral fin; vl, vein of liver; y, yolk sphere. (Iwamatsu, 2004. Reproduced with permission of The Zoological Society of Japan. Copyright (1994) The Zoological Society of Japan.)